Afternoon of Fauns: Faraway Echoes


15.00 - 16.45

Tampere Hall, Yliopistonkatu 55, 33100 Tampere

The Tampere Philharmonic's Afternoon of Fauns chamber music series has offered our listeners intimate concert experiences since 1996. In the Sunday concerts, you can enjoy the chamber music ensembles of the orchestra's musicians.


Lei Liang: Gobi Canticle
Lotta Laaksonen, violin and Sirja Nironen, cello

August Klughardt: Quintet op. 79 in C major
I Allegro non troppo II Allegro vivace III Andante grazioso IV Adagio-Allegro molto vivace
Nina Johnson, flute, Heikki Pöyhönen, oboe, Reetta Näätänen, clarinet, Pauliina Koskela, French horn and Marcin Wosinski, bassoon


Felix Mendelssohn: String Quartet in E minor op. 44 no. 2
Katri Nikkanen, 1st violin, Lotta Laaksonen, 2nd violin, Kimmo Kivivuori, viola, Sampo Liukko, cello

In the Wind Quintet, perhaps the most famous work by the forgotten German master August Klughardt, each player takes a turn as the soloist. Felix Mendelssohn's Quartet, on the other hand, is a timeless classic, a work of passion, melancholy and emotional overtones for four virtuosos that anticipates the famous Violin Concerto. In the Gobi Canticle by contemporary Chinese-American composer Lei Liang, Mongolian melodies provide the backdrop for a shamanistic ritual.

Tickets: Adults 17 € / pensioners 10 € / students, unemployed, conscripts and children under 17 yrs 7 €. You can buy tickets from the Tampere Hall ticket office, Aplodi and the Lippupiste online store (Lippupiste adds service fees and possible shipping fees to ticket prices).
15.00 - 16.45
Tampere Hall, Yliopistonkatu 55, 33100 Tampere