Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra: Echoes of Kyiv

19.00 - 21.00
Tampere Hall, Yliopistonkatu 55, 33100 Tampere
Tero Ahonen
Kirill Karabits, conductor
Uliana Alexyuk, soprano

Ivan Karabits: Concert suite for violins
Reinhold Glière: Concerto for coloratura soprano and orchestra in F minor, Op. 82
Sergei Prokofjev: On the Dnieper, Suite from the ballet, Op. 51a
Sergei Prokofjev: The Scythian Suite, Op. 20 

Kirill Karabits, the chief conductor of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, brings echoes of his homeland to Tampere. Reinhold Gliére’s heart-wrenching concerto for soprano and Ivan Karabits's concert suite for violins grow from Ukraine's melancholic soil. Sergei Prokofiev encapsulates the deepest essence of barbarism in his Scythian Suite, an outburst of violence revealing the ancient roots of heavy music.

The concert is part of the orchestra's subscriber series, which includes a Pre-concert talk (Teokset tutuiksi) at 6 PM and childcare (Lapsiparkki, 10 €) starting from 6:45 PM. The concert includes an intermission and will last about two hours.

Tickets: Adults 32 € / pensioners 25 € / students, unemployed and conscripts 15 € / children under 18 years 10 €. You can buy tickets from the Tampere Hall ticket office, Aplodi and the Lippupiste online store (Lippupiste adds service fees and possible shipping fees to ticket prices).
19.00 - 21.00
Tampere Hall, Yliopistonkatu 55, 33100 Tampere