Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra: Musical Miracle

19.00 - 21.00
Tampere Hall, Yliopistonkatu 55, 33100 Tampere
Tero Ahonen
Nuno Coelho, conductor
Cédric Tiberghien, piano

Joseph Haydn: Symphony No. 82
Maurice Ravel: The Piano Concerto for the Left Hand in D major
Antonín Dvořák: Symphony No. 6

Wounded in World War I, pianist Paul Wittgenstein dared Maurice Ravel to compose a concerto for his remaining left hand. From such limitations sprang exuberant inspiration - one of the most dazzling concertos ever written. This virtuosic tour de force has long been a signature showpiece for French pianist Cédric Tiberghien, a visually arresting masterwork infused with early jazz influences.

The concert is part of the orchestra's subscriber series, which includes a Pre-concert talk (Teokset tutuiksi) at 6 PM and childcare (Lapsiparkki, 10 €) starting from 6:45 PM. The concert includes an intermission and will last about two hours.

Tickets: Adults 32 € / pensioners 25 € / students, unemployed and conscripts 15 € / children under 18 years 10 €. You can buy tickets from the Tampere Hall ticket office, Aplodi and the Lippupiste online store (Lippupiste adds service fees and possible shipping fees to ticket prices).
19.00 - 21.00
Tampere Hall, Yliopistonkatu 55, 33100 Tampere