Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra: Britten: War Requiem


19.00 - 20.30

Tampere-talo Oy, Yliopistonkatu 55, 33100 Tampere

Join us for a concert by the city's very own orchestra!

Matthew Halls, conductor

Samantha Clarke, soprano 

Ian Bostridge, tenor

Andrew Foster-Williams, baritone

Tampere Philharmonic Choir

Pirkanpojat boys’ choir

Benjamin Britten: War Requiem

When Coventry Cathedral, destroyed by bombings in World War II, was reconsecrated in 1962, the composer of the opening concert, Benjamin Britten, was given free rein. A committed pacifist, he created his most significant and impactful concert work, dedicating it to the victims of the world wars. The 90-minute Requiem for choir, soloists, and a massive orchestra echoes with grief, loss, and solace.

Season series concert | Pre-concert talk at 6 p.m.| Childcare (10 €) starting from 6:45 p.m.

Tickets: Single tickets will go on sale Mon 2 Dec at 9 PM: adults 40 € / pensioners 32 € / students, unemployed and conscripts 15 € / children under 18 years 10 €. You can buy tickets from the Tampere Hall ticket office, Aplodi and the Lippupiste online store (Lippupiste adds service fees and possible shipping fees to ticket prices). 

19.00 - 20.30
Tampere-talo Oy, Yliopistonkatu 55, 33100 Tampere